Friday, May 30, 2008

Study physics......

Mass = what we need to study/information

Displacement = Different ways of studying have different distances. However, the displacement is still the same because what we’ll achieve in the end is the same.

Time = Time la……

Velocity = Displacement/Time
Thus, velocity is the speed of studying……Time here is the time taken to achieve what you want, generally means finish what you have to study (But that’s impossible because time is usually running out when we start to study). However, if your way is good enough, you will take short time to finish all your studies……

Acceleration = Velocity/Time
Hence, as time decreases, acceleration increases. We only start to study when exam is near, so we don’t have enough time to study. Therefore, we’ll naturally speed up just to hope that we can finish the whole book in time (This is normally an impossible task for a last minute student).

Force = Mass x Acceleration
A small and moderate force can be defined as motivation. HOWEVER, our studying acceleration INCREASES like hell due to last minute study… Furthermore, we have lots of things that we need to study, because we pushed everything to the last minute (Mass = what we need to study)… A high acceleration and a large mass will produce a very LARGE force, not a small or moderate one… A large force produced can be defined as FORCING OURSELVES TO STUDY.

Pressure = Force/Area
Thus, as force increases, pressure increases. With the large force we are experiencing, the pressure will also increase.

So Pressure =
_______________ X Mass
Time x Time
Displacement x Displacement

Thus, pressure=
Time x Time x Displacement

To reduce the pressure,
1. We can decrease what we have to study (Study nothing means you’ll have zero pressure).

2. We can increase our time to study. Time is a very important factor, since time is to the power of 2……Try to study as early as possible (But that’s impossible…), so that we have enough time to study what we have to study.

3. We can’t change the displacement since it is a constant, what we aim to achieve is the same (although most of the time we failed).

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Why do we have exams?

The teachers will say:
- "It provides a rather easy way and quantitative measure for the teacher to gage where students are at and rate their progress."
- "After exams we come to know our mistakes and can correct them."
- "Exams is a chance to evaluate in one time period all that you about one subject."

A normal student will say:
- We get to learn MANY things. (adults say so)
- It is an exercise for the brain to remember things(especially your gf's birthday and the day you met her.....)
- We learn how to copy(eventually we make new friends and get to improve our relationship with friends交流感情)
- Some children who are really concerned about exams, they don't sleep the night before their exam(its a practice for them after they marry)
- People who act cool during their exams but are usually sweating inside(it is good for them, their BLOOD PRESSURE gets regulated during exams, 促进血液循环, a good prevention from getting cardiovascular diseases)

The purpose of exams maybe good. However, i think our teachers and school put too much pressure on us d. From primary Standard 1 to secondary Form 5, 算下算下we actually sat more than 300 exams!!!!!! How did we survive exams all these years????

Saturday, May 17, 2008


从好来以前嘅神啊救救我吧没那种命啊 ......佢唱出咗每个情场失意嘅心声.......一句 “我爱的人 不是我的爱人”, 似乎成为每个失恋者必哼之歌...... 一首失恋王, 更将失恋嘅心情表露无遗......献世更流露出一个人嘅自卑感...... 取消资格, 女人不该让男人太累等等......亦唱出一啲人嘅恋爱挫折......呢啲歌, 就算冇失恋, 都也能百听不厌......到而家嘅新歌独家记忆, 我不是伟人, 佢都仍然种系唱紧失恋歌......

每一首歌, 都唱出唔一样嘅失恋情节, 失恋故事...... 每一首歌, 都咁扣人心弦......佢就系陈小春......

唔知点解, 我近排成日听独家记忆, 呢首歌嘅广东版我不是伟人其实更好听, 第二啲旧歌其实都种好听过呢首, 而且呢首歌嘅歌词有啲似响广东话翻译过嚟嘅, 加上有啲俗......佢都有唱到有啲唔啱, 唱到唔似佢把声, 冇咁顺耳......但系我偏偏种系比较钟意听呢首独家记忆......可能系因为佢嘅歌词吧......

Today 偷懒 enough la.....back to study.....

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Exam!!!!!One more week!!!!

唉, 读书读到sien咗, 整个头脑还是处于半清醒状态, study apa pun tak masuk otak.....

不读书, 我的良心会很过意不去......尤其是今年是SPM......要早早培养好读书的 mood, adapt 回这久违的生活煎熬. 已经很久没这样读书了, 应该是说很久没自动自发又那么早地去读......since PMR? i think no...maybe since UPSR......

还记得UPSR时, all those teacher 都是ki siao 的. Everyday also 读书......还好有那些老师, 不然我现在一定考试很差....My language subjects, 尤其是 Bahasa Melayu standard is still like primary...but surprisingly it is enough for secondary, just that we learned lots of isi plus huraian in secondary (i think so la because we still use back the same style to write - selain itu, di samping itu, tambahan pula.....thx to the crazy Cikgu Lee...MELAMPAU!!!)

Those days已变成历史......Since 进来中学, everything 放慢速度 d......Last time 小学 didn't pass up homework also 心惊惊, now 麻木 d. Didn't pass up homework only ma, won't die one...... My life of study sudah tukar kepada the relax style.....even exam doesn't really matters to me( just don't get lower than my expectations then can la....)

My style of study - 临时抱佛脚......everything last minute......

But now SPM, so must take things seriously......(有几久我没take things seriously 了啊?忘记了....)

Use 理智 to think, 临时抱佛脚 is sure not enough, 敷衍then can la, 来真的 sure die lo, 所以 must use back the primary study style to 应付 this 2nd term exam, this style is 最实际, because exam is less than one week...

But i very easy putus asa, plus easily distracted (because 享受 the relax life for too long d), so must start early, but actually is too late d(less than one week leh), but at least still better than last minute la......

My way now - Expose myself to BOOKS everyday, so that i can finally 培养起阅读的良好习惯......But i think this is actually useless, 我的生活虽然充满 "书香" now, but i masih dalam keadaan yang blur blur saja.....Dalam semua yang saya telah study, hanya 0.01% berjaya masuk ke dalam otak saya sebagai long term memory......

My 良心 is pushing me to study.....since it is spm year, there's lot of 责任 and 理智点来说, this is a very very very very important year because my future depends on my spm. But i still 赖赖闲(*cantonese), although i know all these.....要对得住天地良心, 要对住父母妻儿, i must study!!!!!!!!!!!!!(过龙了.....)

唉, there's still many other teeny tiny factors like my mother 啰嗦 la...this and that.......

However........There's terlalu banyak distraction, my laptop on my desk is one of the major handphone......I even 试过 staring at my ceiling, 望着天花板发呆 for 20 minutes!!!

Whenever comes to study, i'll transform into a pig.Books can be a very good 催眠药, staring it for a few seconds makes you wanna fall asleep. With the help of this 催眠大法, my 午觉 can last for 4 hours!!! This only happen semasa musim peperiksaan......dunno why.......

Plus sometimes my 内心的挣扎 can take up to one hour!!!! The fight between 理智 & 感情 + 犹豫 + 发牛抖(*cantonese)after that....................

So how can i 专心读书?

They say listening to music is a good way of study. For me, after i listened, i will 沉醉 in the music......then forgot about my studies.....If there is people singing lagi teruk, i'll just follow them and is there any good way for me to study?

总而言之, now i must get back to study.....偷懒 enough lo......continue my usaha untuk memupuk study mood saya..........

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Are they real?

I got these pics from an e-mail......

These photos were taken by Joran Olsen of Hastings, Nebraska.

After checking wikipedia......
These clouds are known as Mammatus Clouds, or mammatocumulus. The name 'Mammatus' is derived from Latin, mamma (meaning human breast, lol), due to their resemblance to female breast (a bit la)

Explanation from
Mammatus Clouds are formed when air is over saturated with water droplets that begin to freeze or cool then sink. Around the clouds lies sharp gradients in temperature, moisture and wind momentum, that combined to strongly influence the clouds formations. They are very rare to see but defiantly a beautiful site.

According to wikipedia, the formation of Mammatus Clouds is still a mystery......There are many hypothesized formation mechanism for Mammatus Cloud, where it involved freezing, sublimation, evaporation, latent heat............(form 4 physics chapter 4, thats why no one is interested in how it forms....physics is boring....)

But who cares about how it formed, just say thank you to mother nature because she created such a magnificient masterpiece for us......(but why the clouds is named like that? maybe because mother nature is also ahem....ahem....or is the scientist who named it is ahem...ahem...?)

Friday, May 9, 2008


Most of the time today dunno y like no mood and a bit 心烦气躁......And so busy today, need to do lots of stuff....some of them are 闷, some of them are sien, some of them are 浪费时间, some of them are tiring, and a FEW of them also 充满期待.......

ONE of the only few 充满期待 stuffs is this - INTERNATIONAL CG & DIGITAL ART EXHIBITION & CONVENTION!!!!!!

Organiser: The One Academy
Venue: Mid Valley Exhibition Centre
Date: 8-11 May
Time: 11am – 9pm

I got to know this during the school edufair on the last Wednesday, after a talk with some girl from The One Academy……

At first i had no mood to go d, after one whole tiring day.....Plus 5pm is the time when i normally 睡午觉 so i felt very lazy...... But at last i went there in a 蒙茶茶 condition......

The exhibition was totally not disappointing! One of the best things in this exhibition……

Digital Painting!!!!
This way of drawing is just so cun……They use an ‘electronic drawing pad’ (that’s what I called it) connected to the computer to draw!!! So canggih!!! And the effect is nice……If I have this pad, I’m gonna 废寝忘食, 夜夜失眠……

After this exhibition, at least i got 精神 again....

I feel that designing is probably 啱我多啲……Since I won’t feel that designing is not a 累赘 for me……However, if think about my 钱途……
唉, 冇提了……

Besides that, I also got to see a 4D TV………They can make 3D effects without the spectators wearing the red-blue specs……I saw the spacecraft floating in front of me…… so yeng......

There's still a lot more canggih canggih things in this exhibition...... really 大饱眼福......

At last I also got a portrait of myself for RM5……But i looked so 老绩, so stupid, so 粉肠……

Most of these pics i got from The One Academy website......

Digital Painting by Roden Ching Yii Siang

Digital Painting by Chau Yau Feng

Digital Animation by Raymond Wong

Mix Media by Liw Chek Kee

Digital Art by ????(i got this pic from google search.....)

By kidchan

By kidchan

Pen Marker by Damen??(i'm not sure about his name...but this pic cost me rm5......)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Blast off!!!!

Topic: The Rocket Launching Competition!!!!
(Yeah...I got to ponteng again!!!)

Aim: Not to win, but to ponteng!!!

Problem Statement: I don't even have a rocket, or neither i know how to build one

Hypothesis: The longer the competition is, the longer i can ponteng......

: Time taken to 拖 the competition
Responding: Time taken to ponteng
Fixed: -

Operational Definition:
There are two groups in this competition, each with different operational definition....
Accuracy - Just aim and launch the rocket
Timed - Let the rocket stay in air as long as possible

However, our 5s7 real operational definition is PONTENG....

Materials: 2 empty 1.5l 100plus bottles, rafia strings, fishing lines, scissors, cellotape, rubbish bags, water, cardboards and PERMISSION SLIP.
Apparatus: Pressure pumps

7.00 - Got rubbish bags from Mr TJ
7.15 - Found 2 empty 1.5l rootbeer bottles from PKS, the bottles were washed......
7.30 - Were told that rootbeer bottles are too soft, need 100plus bottles.....
7.35 - Assembly
7.45 - Went to canteen to buy 2 1.5l 1ooplus
7.46 - Began drinking.....灌everyone
8.00 - Finally finish drinking. The bottles were washed
8.10 - The rocket competition started. Form 4 started we have time to build ours...
8.15 - Started building our rocket
9.30 - Finish building looked like one, but dunno will it fly or not.....
Ard 9.45 - F5 started their competition
12.25 - Competition ended
12.26 - Makan di dalam canteen
12.45 - Back to 5s7
1.10 - 放学......

f4s - too lousy.........
f5s - too pro........5s4's last year champion.....they failed because their rocket 飞到不知所踪(too far).....Then some group's rocket got stuck between the tree branches...Many of them flew out to jln 10/3, although is far but it is considered as out of bounds..some even landed on the roofs......

Since the results were so confusing, we can't discuss anything based on the results.....This year's rocket launching competition very 失败...the participants (including me) 失败, the organiser 失败, the teachers 失败......I dunno how r they gonna announce the results since almost everyone also failed(because some too pro and some too lousy).......

We successfully ponteng the whole day......Wasting rm6.60 to ponteng 5 hrs of school is worth it....

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My future....Edufair.....烦死人.....

Edufair......Everytime thinks about this makes me feel so 烦......

What is my 志愿?my ambition?my 梦想?
I have no idea...... I just know I'm wanna 赚大钱 and then 享清福 as early as possible in my future.

So what I'm gonna be in the future? In front of me lays two paths:

SCienCE -
Be a Doctor? Civil Engineer? These are the only jobs that i have at least a little interest in it...... These jobs are 专业人士, which means earning lots of money to 早早享清福won't be a problem in the future (if really successful in these jobs la) ......

However, the studying life will sure very sien......and need a very long time......because if wanna be professionals, you must at least have a bachelor degree so that people will 请 you. Doctor and engineer 种衰, 冇master或者Phd都唔洗指意揾到一份有''钱途''嘅工...... means need a long time to study la......

Plus the $$$$ problem......i think can afford it gua......but the main thing is seeing 咁大笔钱飞走really 心痛 leh...... Imagine what can you do wif those $$$$ if u dun spend it on your studies......

Graphic Design? Creative Multimedia? Architecture? I'm actually not very good in it but i think i have a bit 兴趣...... Compare to doctor, civil engineer......this sure 悭 a lot of 时间 & 金钱. plus i think i won't feel sien when studying lo......

But wait.....does it have 钱途 or not? I'm not sure leh.....depends gua....and i think need to have chances and know how to 把握 them......

I still don't know which path should i take. After studying last year's literature, I think I better take "The Road not Taken".....since it will be more interesting plus less 竞争力.....But which is the road not taken? 唔知道有冇咁样一份工可以combine physic,chem,bio and ARTS?

About the EDUFAIR 寻"前途"记......

5s1, 5s3, 5s5, 5s7....... got to ponteng to see the opening ceremony.....

They said it'll start at 8.30a.m., but thanks to Ms. Wong, our chem teacher, 5s7 only reached there at 8.45a.m (failed to ponteng chemistry)....

But only at 9.00, they started the opening ceremony....very sien d lo waiting there....
好彩, the Pn. Lee Kim Lai finished her speech within 3 minutes, it was the 1st time i ever heard such a short speech from her, she very 识相, not to talk so much.....

After the 二十四节令 and a very lame 剪彩(where they don't cut ribbons, but UBK yellow heads...), edufair finally started at 9.30....

Since I was blur blur about my future, so I decided to take a so-called career test and played a so-called career game b4 dropping by those booths....

Career test-
I did the test, and then i got to know my 'strong points' and 'weaknesses'.....
Then i asked the UBK girl: " can u explain ah?"
UBK girl: "I dunno how to explain oh....Nah, give u the yourself, wait....where's the paper ah?"

i was like ????

UBK girl: "Oh, found it....Nah"

Since she dunno how to explain, i better read the paper myself lo.....After reading it i also blur blur......

Career Game-
I finished the game like within 1 minute? I also dunno why i so fast 搞掂.....others like took a long time to play this game.....

The result is - i'm suitable to be an architect and ?????(i forgot, but i know that it is something i don't like).....Did that really help.....I think no lo.....

After i 嘥 my 时间 seeking help (and i 得到nothing), i started what should a student do in an edufair.....

But b4 that, i went to 锄 a plastic from IDP, and luckily i got to 锄 a highlighter from Nanyang Institute of Technology(a very 抢手 yet an a-few-people-only-know item)....

After the preparations (plastics, pens and highlighter), the journey of seeking my future started......

Sunway College....Taylors..... all 爆满......then i 嘥 a lot of time just standing there waiting.......
Finally, my turn......

After having a talk with them, i lagi confused......those terms - foundation, degree, diploma, and duno wat this course that course......then 3+0, 2+1, 3+1, 1+3.........Dunno why, i just don't have the mood to insert and organise these terms into my brain...maybe because too 烦 d? My 头脑 gets lagi 乱 after listening to all these......

The taylor's guy also ask me to seek the UBK TEACHERS for help, NOT those students.......

Then, 10.30....RECESS? fast???wa lau yeh.......i still haven't 搞掂 leh......

After recess, i ponteng to the edufair, to continue the journey of seeking my 前途......

Reason why ponteng....
We are concerned about our future, so if we ponteng, it is reasonable....
the whole edufair = 60 mins
total waiting time(those 出名 ones need to wait lagi long) = 15 mins
serious talk with ONE college = 20 mins
chatting with friends/merayau-rayau/take those useless flyers,brochures/fill forms at each booth = 20 mins
Time left = 5 mins (maybe have a short talk with another college?)

For a normal student, we only get to have a serious talk with one college in the edufair, maximum it is not enough time for us..... Besides that, i wasted my time doing those career game and career test, so i only had around 40 mins to spend before recess. That's why we ponteng.

My journey ends at 12.15, however, i still can't make up my mind.....arghhhhhh.......

The whole edufair thing today actually 冇帮到我......反而让我变得更加烦恼......Because of edufair, 我又谂到我嘅将来.......My future is important, but now exams are more important.......must study, no time to 分心 i can only think about it again after my exams.....Hope is not too late at that time....

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Classifications of 女生…

Ini merupakan hasil kebosanan saya......

女生, is a very special being that exists in our world. Someone said that guys, 男生always go for appearance first when wants to 追女仔, which is correct in a CERTAIN point of view……

According to what we learn in science form 3 and EST in form 4, we can classify living organisms by their physical appearances/characteristics. It applies for girls too……There are ONLY 3 groups of girls based on their physical characteristics, which are Angels, Devils and….. 猪扒……

- Angels
Scientific Name - Puella Angelus
Characteristics – have faces with perfect features, beautiful eyes…innocent-looking…thus the term ‘天使的面孔’ is used to describe people with pretty faces.
But they do not have very good 身材……
Rarity – Rare
Examples – N/A (not to let other girls feel 自卑)

- Devils
Scientific Name - Puella Diabolus
Characteristics – have beautiful and seductive body shape, thus the term ‘魔鬼的身材’ is used to describe people with good 三围……But they do not have very beautiful 面孔……
Rarity – Rare
Examples – N/A (not to let other girls feel 自卑)

- 猪扒
Scientific Name - Puella Sus
Characteristics – *CENSORED* (I believe everyone knows their physical characteristics, it is censored agar tidak menyinggung perasaan orang lain), thus 猪扒 is used to describe those people who really look like a猪扒……
Rarity – Too common 通街都係
Examples – N/A (agar tidak menyinggung perasaan orang lain)

Just like animals, girls can have hybrids too. Hybrids are the results of interbreeding between two classes among the three classes of girls. Due to the猪扒 genes have fairly high compatibility with other genes, there are a lot of 猪扒+ angel/devil hybrids. These hybrids are commonly known as 平凡的女生……where they combine the features of both classes. 平凡的女生 can improve their appearance by controlling their diet, exercise frequently……But once they stop doing it, they will go 走样 back due to their猪扒 genes in their blood……

The angel + devil hybrids only happen in rare cases since their genes are not compatible (as stated in their name, angels and devils are archenemies….). Since this hybrid fits both 天使的面孔 and魔鬼的身材 descriptions, she is considered as the PERFECT girl. Because of this reason, 女生的嫉妒心 have decreases the chances for the angels and devils to interbreed (to have someone looks better than them is a HELL NO WAY!!!).

Artificial’ 女生/‘GM’ 女生
With the help of advanced technology, guys can finally modify the appearance of 猪扒into women which shares similar characteristics with Angels and Devils. This can be done through Genetic Modification, Tissue Culture, make ups…. (Even face-lifting, 隆胸, 隆鼻, 隆屁股......after the girls get older) However, some guys don’t like ‘GM’ girls due to certain reasons (just like why some of us dislike GM food)…… Yet still, the population of this new species of girls is increasing everyday like HELL……

Appreciating & Protecting Women as a Man
Our world is cruel……it is dominated by 平凡的女生 and worse….猪扒. Angels and Devils are considered as endangered species and their hybrids are at the brink of extinction because they 受 other girls排挤and also man-hunting. Therefore as guys, we must protect girls (especially those endangered species…), even though they can be annoying, irritating, disgusting……We must also learn to appreciate them, since they let us know how to differentiate what is considered as 视觉享受 and what is considered as 视觉煎熬……

Every guy defines Angel, Devil and猪扒 differently……And most of them always think emotionally (especially when in loved where SHE is perfect no matter what情人眼里出西施). So even a girl is considered a猪扒 in a man’s eye, it can be an angel in another man’s eye……

To guys – What class is your girlfriend or the girl you are in loved with? Try to think LOGICALLY not emotionally……So that you won’t be 后悔……

To girls – What class do you feel that you are classified in? Even though you feel that you are really a猪扒, don’t feel 自卑……Just find a guy with a different perspective of classifying women…… Or maybe find a guy with a ‘not so good’ taste, for example l** *****? Besides that, inner beauty also plays an important role……


Today i very 不爽 one of my teachers. She WAS a very good teacher......But dunno why since this year, she's getting more and more emo.......Maybe because she's pregnant? Almost every time she comes into our class, she will sure at least get emo once....

There was once......
We came back late from the lab, so 5 minutes gone......

Then, She said that we were wasting our time because she saw us 慢慢来...... Why we 慢慢来? Because don't wanna have her class la. "你们知道吗?你们就来要考试了, 我们已经错过很多节了, 你们下一次能快一点吗?不要再浪费我的时间了......" After her 苦口婆心, 啰啰唆唆的 '劝导' (I think none of us was listening to she was actually wasting her own PRECIOUS time too)......

10 minutes gone...... again...... then we finally started our lesson....

She first walked to maybe Kah Yan/Yoke Mun/Yee Yee/Keh Hau/Wai Pong's seat and then took out her 作业......Suddenly, "Oh, 我忘记今天要上语文知识......伟邦, 去我坐位拿一叠纸过来......" Then, Wai Pong rushed to the staffroom to get the paper......

After around 5 minutes......Wai Pong finally came back......

"来伟邦, 快点派纸......"......2 more minutes wasted......

Suddenly, "老师, 我们没有拿到纸....."

"没有可能的啊, 我明明影印足够的纸啊......"

After checking.....
"一定是书店的那个aunty出错了, 她每次都这样......不用紧, 你们就先和朋友一起看吧......"

Then, another 3 minutes gone because of this......

Suddenly again, "老师, 我们没有拿到上次派的纸....."
"你们啊, 为什么现在才来找我拿? 你们没有拿到就应该下课时跟我来拿嘛......现在又在这里浪费时间......"

3 minutes dah hilang while searching for the papers to give out......

Suddenly again......"原来在这里......" She finally found the missing papers......."原来不是那aunty的错......快点拿去派......"

2 minutes hilang lagi...... 唉......

Finally thought that she can teach d......"老师, 有人找你......"

She really looked pissed off at that moment......haha......

After 4 minutes and 59 seconds......

Pn Hoon finally can start carrying out her lesson without any interruption......


Her class was over!!!! At that moment, she looked so annoyed and irritated, just like a volcano thats gonna erupt any moment.....

Today, i saw another side of this teacher, where she INSISTED that she's always correct even though she can be wrong......

Teacher: '佑溱, 我明白你的意思, 但是你是错的, 你要用逻辑来想.....blah blah blah'

She just don't understand what i meant......If wanna use 逻辑 to think......then what she said is totally not logic la...... All her 理由 was so 牵强......

Our 口舌之战 last for 20 minutes...... I wanna really really zat her......but since she's my teacher(must pay some respect) and she's pregnant, i stopped quarrelling with her.I just can 摇头 after hearing what she said. However, I'm glad that we managed to waste 20 minutes of her class...... although i'm still a bit of 不忿气 because at last she 'won'......

I hope that she will not be so emo anymore......because if she's still like this, everyone will end up 不爽 her.....(actually almost everyone 不爽 her d......)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The 'sien'ness in my life......

What should i write? I have nothing to write about...... Why i even started this? Who knows...... But i can say that i'm very sien now...... So maybe that's the reason i'm writing this?

