Thursday, June 26, 2008

Dust – 灰尘 – Habuk – 烟尘

Dust in homes, offices, and other human environments consists of

- Dead human skin cells (it is estimated that the entire outer layer of skin is shed every day or two at a rate of 7 million skin flakes per minute (what the?!!!), which corresponds to a mass emission rate of about 20 mg/minute),

- Plant pollen,

- Human and animal hairs,

- Textile fibers,

- Paper fibers,

- Minerals from outdoor soil and dust, and

- Many other materials which may be found in the local environment.

According to the German Environmental Survey (from Wikipedia), approximately 6 mg/m²/day of house dust is formed!!!!

And nearly 1000 dust particles per square centimeter settle on domestic surfaces every hour!!!

Meaning there are around 24000 dust particles on one teeny tiny centimeter square per day.

Since most of us are so lazy to do duties during recess, imagine the dust accumulated on the floors, desks and chairs in the school…

Let’s see…

We didn’t do our duties for one month (very normal, especially during exams…)

24000 x 30 = 720000 dust particles / cm^2

Our school desks is around 75 cm x 40 cm = 3000 cm^2

There will be 24000 x 3000 = 72000000 dust particles accumulated on the desk per day

720000 x 3000 = 2160000000 dust particles per month!!!!

Wow!!!! We cleaned more than 100000000000 of dust particles in our class during gotong royong today.........

There are some cosmopolitan guests living in our habitation happily with these dusts. They are known as Dust Mites.

Dust mites are on all surfaces and even suspended in air. Dust mites feed on minute particles of organic matter, the main constituent of house dust. They excrete enzymes to digest dust particles; these enzymes and their faeces, in turn, become part of house dust and can provoke allergic reactions in humans. Dust mites flourish in the fibers of bedding, furniture, and carpets.

Thanks to the dust and dust mites because they are the main cause for asthma and allergies…...

i got all these information from wikipedia. The copyright is wikipedia punya


