“夜来香 我为你歌唱
夜来香 我为你思量
啊~啊~ 我为你歌唱
邓丽君, 蔡琴 &陶喆都为 “它” 歌唱…
“它” 真的很大排…
“它” 真的那么香吗?
竟然香到有人为 “它” 唱歌…
还怀念 “它”, 思量 “它”…
“它” 到底是什么呢?
夜来香, 简称为夜香,
但是为什么唱歌唱到 “夜” 才来 “香” 呢?
因为以前那些时代, 夜晚空气特别 “清新”, 极“少”污染,
可是现在科技已很先进, 已经不需要人将 "它"搬来搬去, 所以香味也散发得少了......
"夜香"此名, 也鲜为人知了......
其实 “它” 不只 “香”, 还对社会, 环境很有贡献,
对社会, 在以前, “它” 提供了不少就业机会, 而且 “它”的工作人员还给人称为 “夜香妹”……
对环境, “它” 也帮助了不少, 绿化环境少不了 “它”……
现在人们正在努力营造"书香社会", 既然"它"有那么多贡献, 人们也是不是应该营造另一个"夜香社会"? 哈哈哈哈....
虽然我觉得为 “它” 做一首歌有点夸张,
但既然 “它” 那么有贡献, 有邓丽君, 蔡琴 &陶喆都为 “它” 歌唱也不出奇吧……
说了那么多, "它" 到底是什么呢? 是谁为"它"起了如此优雅的名字, 让"它" 流 "芳"百世?
夜来香~ 夜来香~
*夜来香其实是很多种花的别名, 是Telosma cordarum Merr.的正式明称, 也是一种中药材的名称, 当然也是歌曲的名称….. 但是这些都不是我所说的……
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Fragrance in the Night
Posted by Transcendance at 12:49 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Dust – 灰尘 – Habuk – 烟尘
Dust in homes, offices, and other human environments consists of
- Dead human skin cells (it is estimated that the entire outer layer of skin is shed every day or two at a rate of 7 million skin flakes per minute (what the?!!!), which corresponds to a mass emission rate of about 20 mg/minute),
- Plant pollen,
- Human and animal hairs,
- Textile fibers,
- Paper fibers,
- Minerals from outdoor soil and dust, and
- Many other materials which may be found in the local environment.
According to the German Environmental Survey (from Wikipedia), approximately 6 mg/m²/day of house dust is formed!!!!
And nearly 1000 dust particles per square centimeter settle on domestic surfaces every hour!!!
Meaning there are around 24000 dust particles on one teeny tiny centimeter square per day.
Since most of us are so lazy to do duties during recess, imagine the dust accumulated on the floors, desks and chairs in the school…
Let’s see…
We didn’t do our duties for one month (very normal, especially during exams…)
24000 x 30 = 720000 dust particles / cm^2
Our school desks is around 75 cm x 40 cm = 3000 cm^2
There will be 24000 x 3000 = 72000000 dust particles accumulated on the desk per day
720000 x 3000 = 2160000000 dust particles per month!!!!
Wow!!!! We cleaned more than 100000000000 of dust particles in our class during gotong royong today.........
There are some cosmopolitan guests living in our habitation happily with these dusts. They are known as Dust Mites.
Dust mites are on all surfaces and even suspended in air. Dust mites feed on minute particles of organic matter, the main constituent of house dust. They excrete enzymes to digest dust particles; these enzymes and their faeces, in turn, become part of house dust and can provoke allergic reactions in humans. Dust mites flourish in the fibers of bedding, furniture, and carpets.
Thanks to the dust and dust mites because they are the main cause for asthma and allergies…...
i got all these information from wikipedia. The copyright is wikipedia punya
Posted by Transcendance at 4:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: School
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Accounts paper 2 是当天考当天早上读的,paper 1 leh 就简直没动到,乱tembak de...... 能拿到 88 分,只能说全属意外。真是有神庇佑,还是真的称得上好彩...... 如果 addmaths ah, physics ah, chemistry ah, sejarah ahj, bio ah (尤其是bio,最weak的science), 能有那么多意外发生就好了...... 偏偏就只有accounts.....
我看这次考试成绩,accounts 是其中最好,最值得为荣的成绩。Hahahaha....... 这好听叫 “无心插柳柳成荫”,难听就叫 “下次你没那么好彩的了”...... Overall 来讲,这次考试的成绩只能勉强拿来见人。但是以我酱“用功”读书,得到这种成绩已算得到上天眷顾了。
唉,现在都spm报考了, 不考好它, 自己的spm成绩就会多了一个污"绩",就算用那些dynamo,top 洗衫粉,breeze 都洗不掉.....
Posted by Transcendance at 10:53 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
30 days of night
Directed by: Mr. Lee Ann (not Ang Lee)
Produced by: L.K.L
Written by: 蛋黄王
Starring: Lots of Papers (as paper monsters)
Students (as victims)
Teachers (as the so-called ‘law enforcers’, actually the 帮凶)
Editing by: Mr. Lee Ann
Distributed by: Lembaga Disiplin Sekolah
Day 1 – First Blood!!! Akauns initiates the attack. Akauns have high 杀伤力, but low AOE. Thus, most of the people manage to escape the first attack, yet some innocent people are killed by the akauns… Then the English essay continues the attack, causing minor injuries to the people…
Day 2 – Mathematics 2 found out the hideout of the people, and starts a killing spree. It is then followed by the low-level B.Melayu 1 assault……
Day 3 – Chemistry 2 performs its “Penjajahan Jepun” attack on the people, torturing the people mentally and physically, killing lots of people. Some people started to use the FORBIDDEN weapon to increase their escape rate and the FORBIDDEN power to increase their attack damage… yet some of the weapons are 没收 by the “law enforcers” and some of the people who used the FORBIDDEN powers are killed by the L.Enforcers. After the ‘penjajahan’, the carnage is followed by the Bintang Tiga Attack (aka 14 hari MPAJA) by the BCina 1…leaving the people to hate BC. It’s just the 3rd day, the people already 死伤惨重…
Day 4 – The Moral terrorizes the people. Some of the innocent people (like the Crap News Network of 5s7) dunno how to escape and counterattack, only remember “Kepercayaan kpd Tuhan”. Thus, they counterattack with the only “Kepercayaan kpd Tuhan” nilai they knew, only to die in the hands of Moral. After that is EST 1, killing people with stupid questions on classifications.
Day 5 – Day 20
The people are safe and sound in their hideouts… Some of them prepare themselves in these few days to defend themselves from papers monsters…
Day 21 – Physics 2 ambushes the people. Using the ‘Electromagnetic waves’ and ‘Induced Current’ skill to stun the people and starts a killing spree. The sejarah 1 slaughters the school… The people again use the FORBIDDEN powers to defend themselves….
Day 22 – The akauns1 starts the day with a mini-massacre, followed by the sejarah 2 massacre. The massacre was like the 四川大地震, killing more than 1000000000000 lives!!!
Day 23 – Double-Kill!!! The 合作无间 between the bio2 and addmaths1 again killed the defending humans. Not even the FORBIDDEN powers manage to save the people… The bio2 uses HIV and the eat-shit rabbit question to pawn the humans to death. Addmaths1 leave many people die with only question marks in their head.
Day 24 – The weak EST2 allows people to tembak it without hesitation, while the addmaths2 continues its assault like the day before, successfully creates a 1000000000000 killing chain.
Day 25 – BC2 again attacks the people, another 腥风血雨再次发生… Mathematics reappears as Mathematics 1, but only deals a little damage to the people. It is probably due the low attack damage and the usage of FORBIDDEN powers by the people.
Day 26-27
The people again have 短暂的风平浪静…
Day 28 – The long-forgotten BM strikes back! It begins a slaughter just like the 513 事件, where the org cina fights with the BM… The slaughter ended with the BI2
Day 29 – 2 more days the darkness ends… The people starts counterattack with the machine gun on the useless PJPK. However, they are eventually inflicted with a deadly poison by The “Camp Mystery” – CHEMISTRY 1 & 3. However, a human risked its life to enter the “虎穴”, found a high concentration chemical to nullify the poison inflicted by the Chemistry, thus saving the human race.
Day 30 – The “Faeces”, Physics 1 & 3, inflicts a curse on the people, leaving them vulnerable to simple mathematics. Again, a human saves the people by understanding the physics’ resistance through (surprisingly) lightbulbs...
Day 31 – Light is not far away now… Yet, the worst nightmare -“Buy a Long Jeans”, biology1 & 3 awakens. Again, a human nearly sacrificed itself to find the vitamin C in order to defend the virus spread by Bio1 & 3. They finally defeated the last paper monster – Buy a Long Jeans, thx to the vitamin C. After the 30 days of night, finally here comes the light…The end of the film shows that the survivors yell and tears all the paper monsters into pieces…
Posted by Transcendance at 4:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: School