Thursday, July 24, 2008


真是不明白… Why some teachers so 横蛮无理? Why some people so 自私?

“Oh, u must not get any post in this this this club….”
“If u gets high post in that club, u 唔驶指意响呢度拎post ler….”
“谁叫你interview时讲要拿这个post的? 现在你拿到了….我叫你放弃!! 我会跟你那个club de老师倾倾……还讲?我就是不要你在那边拿高post!!”
“谁叫你要放弃这边的? 你看你那边都拿不到你要的 post……”
“如果他在你那边会拿到top 5 的话, 他在这里就不会拿到 top 4 ler….”

Now these days those seniors and teachers are getting worse and worse. All so 萌塞…… All only wanna 占为己有…… What if the juniors get high post in one club? That doesn’t mean they can’t get high post in other clubs rite? If they can cope with it, even becoming 2 club’s president also won’t be a problem……

Yet, some seniors and teachers like to ugut them…… Forcing them to make difficult choices…… Giving them pressure…… “You can only choose one!!! Is either here or there!!!”

So some of the students, 精神上饱受折磨, and then always emo d…... They are afraid of making the wrong choice… Everyone hopes that things can end up 两全其美, but it is impossible with those kinds of seniors and teachers… If the little juniors 驳嘴, it might end up getting nothing because the seniors and teachers maybe will 不爽 and use post to 威胁 the juniors “再吵你什么post都没有!”

So poor thing… What can they do? Just try to 割舍 and 放弃 one of them lo…… If not then try to 开解 those萌塞 teachers and seniors lo (If they dare risking their chance of getting a post la, there is a chance that they won't get anything in the end if they fail to 开解 those 萌塞 teachers and seniors)…… 真是为那些新人感到可怜……. 真是悲...... Dunno what will happen to them......

鱼与熊掌 不能兼得 二者方能选其一 叫人难以取舍

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Report Card Day

Report Card Day
= Can go back home early
= Can wander around the school w/o being caught by LYK
= Can 光明正大 bring and use handphone……

So s7 only 上了two periods of chemistry, 8.45am we started arranging the tables and chairs, then 恭候各位父母的大驾降临……

8.45am-9.20am – Chitchat, listen songs, Bluetooth songs
9.20am-9.50am – Recess, actually planned to stay in class, but at last the prefects 赶走 us
9.50am – Start giving out report cards to those parents (they say 10.30 only can chow, but I think no one cares lo…)
Around 11 – Tak ada parents came d…… Other classes the teachers all so busy, only our chandra so 得闲. 别班是家长等老师, my class is 老师等家长…… The class became 空空如也, students all merayau-rayau around the school, only left a few students and the 闷到抽筋的cik Chandra……

For myself leh….. I thought my parents would come around 10.30…

10.30……. I waited and waited……
11.00……. I waited and waited……

Then, wanna call them….

WTF…. Maxis no line??!!!!

11.30……. Wait till sien d….. started to sing 张学友de我等到花而儿也谢了

“你知不知道 你知不知道 我等到花而儿也谢了~”

Finally I borrowed friend’s phone to call my dad….

12.00 – Belum tiba lagi…. Listen songs oso listen till sien d… 以为可以早早返屋企叹世界….唉, 我嘅梦想就咁被摧毁咗了……

12.15 – 终于…… they finally reach d…. Since my teacher so 得闲 there, my parents just walked straight in, no need to wait oso….

12.16 – 搞掂…. Thought I can chow d one…..

12.17 – “Your sister still need to wait….. Her class now only 轮到 number 20…. Our number is 35 leh….” Walao….

12.50 – Finally….. finally….. finally…… I 放监 la….. Thought can go back home early, but in the end is like normal 放学时间…..

The Conversation between Chandra and my dad

Chandra: Mr Lim rite?

Dad: mm…

Chandra: Let’s see…. The position in class is not so important…. The purata dropped by 1 mark…

Dad: mm…

Chandra: This improved (pointing bm), this dropped (pointing moral), then this improved (addmaths)….

Dad: mm….

Chandra: So overall ok…if he studied harder, the trial will have no problem…

Dad: mm….

Chandra: Your son is bit talkative in class…

Dad: mm….

Chandra: Thank you…

Dad: Thx….

(The whole thing took <1 min, my sis oso <1 min, duno y other ppl gt so many 废话 to talk abt...)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

H & G concert

The whole concert started with a few speeches, thx to pn LKL punya speech, many ppl almost fell asleep b4 the H&G started to perform.....

Then, the 万众期待的 performance finally started..... ya, it finally started.... damn 差......

, can reli sleep ler....... the performance not very satisfying..... They play the "jagung" until like 走音n oso 漏风, then their guitar like no sound, the drummer like play until too high, 很像拿鼓来出气.....打到声音盖过了jagungs n guitars.....but if it is the 1st time for them, then consider ok gua.....

Luckily, they invited a 长气佬 as guest performance, Mr郑庆生(I think i 4got his name....), he play the "Jagung" like hell, no wonder he hav that big 肚腩, to 装风...... But the mr.burgerking
said this 长气佬 very stupid. Last time he did a charity performance, then he said he'll 不管收多少钱, but when the organiser gave him rm5000, he said nt enough.... So imagine how much H&G paid him to "invite" him as a guest performer?

Then, there's sth that let us feel that our tickets are not wasted.... The guest performers from other school is like 天与地 if compare wif our sch.... They r like so pro, our sch punya looked so noob..... Thx to them, the audience finally started to get high....... There r performers fr two schools, one is 中华国中, the other one is ??? (din reli notice). Our sch compare to them is like playing for the funeral, 一副死了人的样子, 没有朝气, 死沉沉.... Those pro performers reli 抢完our school punya 风光.... Duno y the H&G so stupid, 找人来踩自己的场.... Those pro even use one ahnd to hold the "jagung", then one hand hold the mic, and some of them even play sugar cane (the very big size jagung).....

After that, the whole crowd started to fall asleep again, those 催眠曲 reli proved to be useful.......

Luckily, almost at the end there's still performance by ex H&G seniors, although the 场面 was nt so high as before..... but it's still much much much much much much better than those 催眠曲 & 噪音......

The songs performed adalah spt berikut:
1st song (dah lupa)
Baby Elephant walking - the song actually ok la, but ruined by the drummer
Romance de Amour

Stand by me
夜上海 - thx to the drummer again...
Top of the world - another drummer's fault

好心分手 - the whole song 给搞砸了
后来 - whole song like all mixed up
Classical Gas
Crush Crush Crush
Life - Yui

Overall i dun think any songs above r nice....


The nice song pieces r
Country Medley

All these r performed by guest performers.... hahaha

At least there's still something funny, a guy played till damn shiok...... In lots of song performance, he always shiok sendiri..... Even the the 镜头 focused on him lots of times, n many ppl laughed seeing him so shiok..... (he din even know the camera was focusing on him, n he like too high at the end n shake his whole body.....hahahaha)

And i paid rm 10 but i gt to sit on the 1st row......

Friday, July 11, 2008


Today finally 退休 la......

So I'm not LKT punya Ketua Disiplin anymore, but an EX-Ketua Disiplin...... So now 两袖清风...... I think my life will start to be more "sien", since now I am "old" and retired.

The government servants after retire will hav 一笔退休金 & pencens-pencens for 享福, but it seems that LKT dun provide these...... So 退休 means no benefit la...... No power and no money d....

The AGM today -

We seniors nt very shuang cuz the 主角 today is nt us.... We retire ma, so the we should hav all the spotlight... but... but.... all those 风头 giv those f4s 抢完... 唉, 临退休还要为我们的下一代 or so called "接班人" 烦恼....... We should hav a 风光的退休仪式, where everyone cry and 不舍得 our retirement.....hahaha....

Anyway, the pilihanraya of LKT basically went well, reli cant believe that we r so demokrasi....
The votes actually plays a big role in choosing the next batch (now is considered as CURRENT) execs..... especially some of the 大人物s.....

Although we practice democracy, the results yet still disappoints some of the f4s n some of the old people (f5s) too..... But i hope that they won't feel 不爽 (although feeling 不爽 is very normal, almost every clubs n societies, n almost every years oso gt ppl 不爽 on their own exec results...)

Just hope that the f4s won't b like 不爽 until they ignore n dun care about their post and responsibilities anymore. Actually who got wat post doesn't reli matters, yet this takes time to understand la.... cuz they dun reli experience it before.... Those f4s 抢 our 镜头 as 主角, but dun feel 不爽 la, if like this ah, the 主角们 oso wont be 上镜....

I'm satisfied with my 接班人 anyway..... I think my 接班人 oso satisfied gua......

I hope that i can hav a good farewell party from the new execs.... at least on the farewell party we ex-seniors r the 主角.....

so wats the plan after retirement? 环游世界? 告老还乡? 弄孙作乐? 退隐江湖?安享晚年?...............

别发梦啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!佑溱.....种有spm la.....有排未有得唞啊......

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Pn Hoon (星子的老师)
– 否定学生见解, 并指责讽刺, 还用SPM来扼杀学生们的想象力!!!!!!!

Pn Sim – “Is Group 4 elements, not Group 14 elements, because they have 4 valence electrons!!!”


“To tell the truth, the Malaysia syllabus is one of the worst in the world, it is not correct……”

Meaning what she’s teaching also not correct? She’s just a PHYSICS teacher, but we are CHEMISTRY students……

Pn LYK – “Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you……

Photo session
– Free style number one: Whole s7 + some students from other classes 冲去前线. S7 lifted bo yuan high up in the air (Birthday girl - Pn LYK给一大班人顶着, 被抢了镜头)

– Free style number two: Everyone in 前线 squatted down so that the teachers can 上镜, but there were too many students…… (老师们的光芒也被掩盖了……)

– Free style number three: Everyone 准备就绪, 摆好pose……. Suddenly pn LYK came out……. NO!!NO!!NO!!…… then all of us can't take the third freestyle photo......(真是衰, 不给人拍了……应该是学生们锋芒太过毕露吧…..所以老师们都不爽…... 尤其是 birthday girl?)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Extremes on Earth

The Tallest Mountain (above sea level) – Mount Everest (Himalayas)
It stands 8848m above sea level!!!!

The Tallest Mountain (from base to summit) – Mauna Kea (Hawaii)
If the height is measured from base to summit, Mauna Kea defeats Mount Everest as the tallest mountain on Earth. Its base is 5800m below sea level, whereas its summit is 4205m above sea level, bringing its total height to about 10000m!!! (Mount Everest is only 3650m~4650m if measured from base to summit because its base is above sea level…)

The Farthest point from the center of Earth – Chimborazo (Ecuador)
This volcano only stands at 6267m above sea level, yet it is farther from the Earth’s core compare to Mount Everest. It is because Earth bulges at the Equator…. The peak of Chimborazo is 6,384.4 km from Earth’s core, farther than Mount Everest from earth’s core by 2168m!!

The Deepest point on Earth – Challenger’s Deep (Mariana Trench, Pacific Ocean)
Challenger’s Deep has a depth about 11000m. The pressure at this depth is approximately 110MPa, it is 1095 times that at the surface!!!!

The Saltiest water on Earth – Lake Asal (Djibouti)
Lake Asal is the most saline body of water on earth with 34.8 percent salt concentration (at a depth of 20 meters, as much as 39.8 percent has been measured). This is even more than that of the Dead Sea (around 31 percent of salt concentration).

The Coldest Temperature recorded on Earth - −89 °C (Recorded at the Russian Vostok Station in Antarctica)

The hottest temperature recorded on Earth - 58 °C (Recorded in El Azizia)

