“Oh, u must not get any post in this this this club….”
“If u gets high post in that club, u 唔驶指意响呢度拎post ler….”
“谁叫你interview时讲要拿这个post的? 现在你拿到了….我叫你放弃!! 我会跟你那个club de老师倾倾……还讲?我就是不要你在那边拿高post!!”
“谁叫你要放弃这边的? 你看你那边都拿不到你要的 post……”
“如果他在你那边会拿到top 5 的话, 他在这里就不会拿到 top 4 ler….”
Now these days those seniors and teachers are getting worse and worse. All so 萌塞…… All only wanna 占为己有…… What if the juniors get high post in one club? That doesn’t mean they can’t get high post in other clubs rite? If they can cope with it, even becoming 2 club’s president also won’t be a problem……
Yet, some seniors and teachers like to ugut them…… Forcing them to make difficult choices…… Giving them pressure…… “You can only choose one!!! Is either here or there!!!”
So some of the students, 精神上饱受折磨, and then always emo d…... They are afraid of making the wrong choice… Everyone hopes that things can end up 两全其美, but it is impossible with those kinds of seniors and teachers… If the little juniors 驳嘴, it might end up getting nothing because the seniors and teachers maybe will 不爽 and use post to 威胁 the juniors “再吵你什么post都没有!”
So poor thing… What can they do? Just try to 割舍 and 放弃 one of them lo…… If not then try to 开解 those萌塞 teachers and seniors lo (If they dare risking their chance of getting a post la, there is a chance that they won't get anything in the end if they fail to 开解 those 萌塞 teachers and seniors)…… 真是为那些新人感到可怜……. 真是悲...... Dunno what will happen to them......
鱼与熊掌 不能兼得 二者方能选其一 叫人难以取舍